达芬奇柯达胶片效果调色预设2023 Juan MelaraV5.9下载

2022-02-14  栏目:资源下载   投稿:八羊广告

摘要:达芬奇柯达胶片效果调色预设2023 Juan MelaraV5.9下载……


达芬奇柯达胶片效果调色预设 Juan Melara – FilmUnlimited PowerGrades

在达芬奇17中模拟柯达胶片效果,包含Kodak 2383信号的10个CUBE格式用于打印的效果,也包含Kodak 5207 250D和 Kodak 5219 500T两种型号用于PowerGrades上的

FilmUnlimited is a collection of Resolve 17 PowerGrades emulating Kodak 5207 250D and Kodak 5219 500T film. It’s a full PowerGrade rebuild of the negative film stocks I shot and profiled in November 2018 and January 2021.

  • Two negative film stock emulations: Kodak 5207 250D and Kodak 5219 500T.

  • Physically accurate halation emulation. You asked for it, here it is.

  • Realistic grain and gate weave emulation.

  • Two core versions of the Kodak 2383 Print Film Emulation LUT: original and a modified Finished variation. The Finished variation is a compilation of the most common modifications I make to the 2383 LUT. It allows for deeper richer colours whilst avoiding over-saturation.
    Both core versions are available in 3 different curves: Standard, Middle Grey and Rec709. And the standard and middle grey versions have a zero black level (0BL) variation that allows the black levels to touch zero luma. The differences between curves and when to use them are covered in the usage instruction videos.

  • Usage instruction videos: Installation (4min), Nodegraph breakdown & Usage (18min)





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